Sunday, 13 March 2011

Some things I like.

I'm trying not to leave it too long between blog posts, so I feel the need to post something, even though I don't really have anything to talk about. Here are some things I like:

I went to a gig last night with my good friend Nicola. We spent the day in Manchester, went to the art gallery, the irish festival, some shops, had some food, wine and a cocktail, then went to the gig. I hadn't been to a gig for soooo long!

The support band were really good, they are called Treetop Flyers, and you should listen:

I really like these houses, they are in Buenos Aires in Argentina. I wish English houses looked like this:

One of my favorite quotes. Sometimes it's nice just to have time where you do absolutely nothing:

The fact that I booked flights to go to Munich on Thursday! And the fact that I am going in 2 days. Also the fact that I have ordered a new phone. The one I am currently using is one I have had for 3 years! I went for a Samsung Galaxy Apollo, but I think I might already be regretting it because the camera doesn't have a flash. What was I thinking?! 

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Competition Prize...

Here's a photo of Caitlin's prize for winning last week's competition:

Her design was a set of brightly coloured keys, spelling out her boyfriend's nickname 'Ricka'. She also chose the large birdcage necklace and a mustache necklace! (available at

If anyone would like to get one of their designs made up, contact me at :)

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Embroidery & Birthdays

Hola! Long time readers will know that 'Do more needlework' was one of my new years resolutions.
This week I have had my embroidery threads out to create a masterpiece.
I'm not sure it can quite be classed as a masterpiece, but this is what I sewed:
On reflection, it would have been better if i'd have stayed away from the yellow thread, but I guess that is what winging it is all about. You live and you learn.

I have also had my birthday this week. I am now 22 and it's basically the same as being 21 but i'm loads wiser and I think a bit more wrinkly.

Here are some of my birthday presents:
Polkadot microwavable storage pots.
(they all fit inside each other like russian dolls too which is super)

One green cockerel egg cup, one pot shaped like a strawberry, 3 ceramic cupcake cases.

 Very cute little silver button earrings.

Brilliant red nose for my car.
(This has already proven to be immense when a little girl loved it to the max when I was at some traffic lights the other day)

Lovely vintagey looking sign of wisdom.

A cup, a cupcake cup. a CUP-cake. Hilarious.

On Tuesday it is pancake day which is one of my favorite days of the year when all I eat is pancakes and nothing else. Super excited!